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詳しい仕様やエディション、内容などは追ってお知らせしますが、以前のmonthly NEWEROSと同じサイズのA5サイズで20ページ前後、昔撮ったフィルム時代の写真や古い印刷物をコラージュしたりリペイントした作品、シルクスクリーンなど。オリジナルプリントとサウンドコラージュのCDがオマケにつける予定です。 




消費税込み 3000円(送料200円 クリックポストでの発送)




For overseas customers


Hibiki Tokiwa's limited handmade ZINE.


Detailed specifications, editions, and contents will be announced at a later date, but it will be the same size as the previous monthly NEWEROS, A5 size, with around 20 pages, and will include collages and repaints of old photos taken in the film era and old printed materials, as well as silkscreen prints. A CD of the original prints and sound collages will be included as a bonus.


Shipments are scheduled to begin at the end of March.



A shipping fee of 1000 yen will be charged overseas using Japan Post.

If you are in a country where you cannot specify delivery, please contact us.


Please feel free to contact us for details, shapes, shipping, etc.!

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